November 17, 2008

cyclamen hederifolium

over the past twelve years i have had the pleasure of maintaining a winter flowering garden .. while the other gardens i look after are being put to bed at this time of year, this one is just beginning to wake up .. thus, my priority at this time of year is to set the stage for this winter's performance ..

in september, a couple of months before the witchhazel transforms to its autumn colour, cyclamen hederifolium begin to show themselves around the garden .. initially, they put up 3-4" tall stalk graced with whorled flower buds, all wrapped up within themselves, showing the lightest of pink or the whitest of white .. a few weeks later, butterfly-like flowers unfurl .. and later still, dark green points emerge, eventually growing into heart shaped leaves deftly decorated with lacey, silver design .. every leaf just slightly different from every other .. these little beauties go on and on, flowering right through to the end of october, often into november ..

the first time i encountered hardy cyclamen was while attending university .. i had a favourite bench in a quiet, woodland setting where i spent quite a bit of time quietly reading, or going over class notes .. .. .. one september day i arrrived at the bench, and lo and behold on the leaf littered ground at my feet were about a hundred of these delightful little flowers which reminded me of house plants i had seen, but much smaller .. i was in the presence of hardy cyclamen .. a few years later while working with phil in his garden these lovely little plants were re-introduced to me as they were one of his favourites .. and now, mine, as well ..

again, i see i'm late to go meet my gardening partner, joe .. she and i will be working down at the pub garden this morning .. no doubt raking more maple leaves .. our work is cut out for us this time of year ..

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